Embracing Holism in Your Life

 What is a holistic nurse? Can you be holistic without being a nurse?

Tuesday, May. 10th @ 7PM you may change how you look at your life.
Learn the characteristics of a holistic being and what it means to be "present", how to incorporate self care in your life, and how a holistic person embraces life with a positive outlook. 
Discover some of the history of holism in the country and state from nurses that have lived through this metamorphosis. 
This will be a panel discussion with long time holistic nurses Janis Campbell and Dale Treese that work in traditional nursing environments,  and two  nurses that have holistic businesses Pauline Rzepecki, and Pamela Sadler

Janis has been a member of MHNA since before it became the MHNA.  Dale was the 111th certified holistic nurse in the country! These holisitic nurses have much to share on creating a holistic environment in their personal and work lives.

Pauline and Pam both have their own holistic practices. Pauline teaches hypnobirthing and helps people find balance in their mental/emotional outlook which, in turn, helps the physical. Pam is a health coach that helps people find balance between conventional medicine and complimentary and alternative medicine, which helps with physical/mental/emotional and spiritual balance. 

We will look at what it takes to become certified as a holistic nurse and what the benefits of that certification are.
This will be an interactive discussion that will help you embrace holistic concepts in your life and work place.Hope you join us for what promises to be an active discussion that could improve your life.

We are also looking forward to the future of our organization. A discussion on Holism will provide us with the perfect background to frame a discussion, we as an organization are having. We will spend the last portion of our discussion seeking specific input regarding challenges and directions you would like to see our organization go. This is going to be a very important discussion. We hope you will all clear you calenders to attend. 

This discussion will be continued at a "Vision Retreat: Creating a Care Plan for Our Organization". This day long retreat will be at the home of Co-President Pam Sadler. Car pooling can be arranged by contacting Kathy Oakford: koakford@gmail.com. 

All MHNA Members are invited! 

The date is Sunday, June 5th from 9AM to 5 PM. 
The place: 3668 Peck Rd, North Branch, MI 48461. (This is in Northern Lapeer County in the southern thumb area.) 
This will be a potluck. Contact Pam at healthleader.sadler@gmail.com for more information. RSVP to Pam as well.

If you are greater then 2 hours away please contact Pam. She has the ability to put some people up for the night. 

If you cannot attend, please take a few moments and drop us a line at michiganholisticnurse@gmail.com and share your thoughts on our organization, and what you would like to see happening in the future and how you can help! We are an organization of working health care professionals. We need to streamline our procedures and accept more hands to help us fill the vision that we have put before us.

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