What is Holistic Nursing?

Become Part of the Discussion!
Join us February 21st

4800 E. Huron River Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI  48105-4800
Technical & Industrial Building (TIB) – room TI 118
Registration and snacks will be set up in the lobby.

Meet nutritionist and homeopath Pamela Sadler RN, BSN, CN, D.Hom,  http://practicalnaturalhealing.blogspot.com/ the President of the Michigan Holistic Nurses Association and a panel of experienced holistic nurses.

 Pam will lead us off by explaining the history, benefits and principles of holistic nursing.
Then we will have a panel discussion that includes experienced holistic nurses.
There is a small fee for this presentation of $3.00 for members and $5.00 for non-members. A certificate of attendance will be provided that you may use toward 2 of your continuing nursing education credits.