The sun is shining and we are transitioning to spring! We will soon be transitioning to our new board and web site as well. We look forward to continuing to promote Holistic Healthcare in Michigan.
We are excited to have Dr. Micki Jones, ND joining us this month at Providence Hospital, Southfield. Dr. Jones developed the “Universal Iridology Chart” which combines the American and European Iridology theories and markings. She is also an author, herbalist, and nutritionist. She is so popular in natural medicine circles that we have moved the March meeting to the Ford Auditorium. The information will soon be up on our website. There is a flyer attached here as well for you to post.
Another transition also occurred this year. The MHNA mourns the loss and celebrates the life of Kathy Sinnett, one its founding members and Past President. Kathy was a well known and well loved nurse healer/teacher in the greater Detroit Holistic Community and beyond for over 30 years. The information below is just a snapshot of her vitality and wisdom in her life's work. She was and will continue to be an inspiration to many. Please visit her website for more information about her practice and her available books: Energetic Transformation: A Step by Step Guide to Spirit Release, Hara and Chakra Repair and Insights. THANK YOU DEAR KATHY in MIND, BODY and in SPIRIT FOREVER. PEACE
An Invitation to Be Creative
The 2012 Fall Retreat is on the Drafting Table!!! It is always a wonderful weekend of learning, connection and renewal for those who want to bring holistic practices into their life and the lives of others. Sometimes we hire professionals to teach us what they know and stand back and let the magic happen. This year we have hired Debbie Wollard who will be assisted by Ron Spann to bring us a weekend that focuses on forgiveness and compassion. Compassion allows us to address our own individual needs as we strive to be present for our own healing and the healing of others through our work.
For this retreat we will be able to actively work with our retreat presenters to create our experience. As the retreat coordinator, I am looking to have people contact me who would like to help plan movement activities, coordinating activities for Saturday night, suggestions for meditations and individual activities for private time. We also need people to help coordinate retreat participants and keep track of people who register. Please contact me if you would like to receive the rough draft of the retreat and information on Debbie and Ron. We will be having a couple phone conferences to get our resources together. I look forward to hearing from all of you!!!! Roxane Chan
December newsletter 2011
Seasons Greeting and Many Changes
February 14, 2012 Newsletter-The Heart of Holistic Nursing
Every month has now turned into some kind of “awareness” month. Some of these have been created to have people focus on different health issues such as heart disease and heartworm. As someone that likes to focus on the positive I love that February is a month to remember to share our love with others. Isn’t that really the heart and core of being a holistic being? Yes, holistic nursing encompasses the art of looking at the whole person – body, mind, & spirit – as well as the science behind holistic healing. But do we not do that because we love?
We love to help people. We love to learn. We love to laugh. We love to focus on the positives instead of negatives, while recognizing both aspects are present in our lives. We learn to find good in every day. We learn there is more than one path to healing….and more than one reason for dis-ease.
In the Michigan Holistic Nursing Association we love to support each other and the individual’s growth toward knowledge and healing. One of our main focuses, since I have been a member, is to acknowledge that if we are to be giving of all this love, we must also love ourselves. We recognize that we must care for ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually if we are to pass that strength to others.
Our workshop meeting this month, on February 21st, will be centered on those principles. It will be an opportunity to share with each other things we do on a daily basis to care of ourselves. Starting with the foundations of Holistic nursing to “Developing Your Holistic Practice” panel discussion and discovery of what other nurses are incorporating in their lives to help them be the best health care professional they can be.
In love,
Pam Sadler RN, BSN, CN, D.Hom
President MHNA
February 14, 2012 Newsletter-This Month’s News
We are a “working board” so we need many people willing to do just a little bit.
Our election of officers is upon us. Our Vice President, Alice Goodall, has found people willing to serve in many positions. We need someone willing to run as secretary. This is the position I first had when I came to the MHNA board. It was a great way to get to know other active members and learn how the organization functions.
The main function of the secretary is to take notes for our meeting and email them out to the board members afterward. Other occasional correspondence is also required such as writing a Thank-You note to our speakers after each event. You will be given a “path to follow”. You must be a nurse to serve on the board and have internet access. Most of our communication is through email so it is important for any board member to check their email on a regular basis.
We would also like someone to serve on the publicity committee by learning how to send out our monthly postcard. Kathy Oakford, our membership chair, is currently doing this. She says it take about 2 hours a month. If you have any time we also have other committees such as the education and membership committees we could use help with.
Contact Alice Goodall if you are will to serve in any aspect. Her email is, or phone: 586-646-0066.
Web committee
Do you have a web site? If you do, please contact me. We wish to update our web site and make it easier to navigate.
Pamela M. Sadler RN, BSN, CCN, D.Hom
Michigan Holistic Nurses Association