Become involved!

Opportunities to get to know us better and network!

.We have committees and upcoming election of officers you may wish to help with.

Postcard announcement- If you would like to contribute 2 hours a month using software to design the postcard sent out to announce the meeting.  You get the information from the MHNA Publicity Chairperson by e-mail.  

Newsletter publishing-Another person who may like to take information received by e-mail from MHNA President and other members and put it together in a newsletter sent out periodically.

Do you love facebook?  Would you use your talent to keep MHNA facebook account updated each week to help welcome new friends?

Secretary needed!!  
The Secretary Chair of the MHNA shall have responsibilities including but not be limited to the following:
1. Takes minutes at Board meetings briefly summarizing discussions, recording motions and decisions.
2. Documents attendance at Board meetings
3. Sends letters of appreciation to guest speakers.
4. Composes and/or sends correspondence as directed by the President, or the Board.
5. Appoints committees as required and provides them with goals and directions.

Wish to come to retreat but cannot afford it? Give us a hand and get a significant discount! Contact Roxane chan @ if you would like to participate in any way. Many hands make light work so come help us spread the word about holistic nursing!

Site Search
Speaker coordinator
Continuing Ed Processor
Advertising coordinator
Scribe (brochure, welcome letter)
Welcome table
Pre/Post daily activities such as leading Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

2012 Election of Officers 
These are the board positions that need committee members to help them as well. Send an email to Alice Goodall @ if you have an interest in serving in any way!

Vice President