Become Part of the Discussion!
Join us February 21st
4800 E. Huron River Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-4800
Technical & Industrial Building (TIB) – room TI 118
Registration and snacks will be set up in the lobby.
Meet nutritionist and homeopath Pamela Sadler RN, BSN, CN, D.Hom, the President of the Michigan Holistic Nurses Association and a panel of experienced holistic nurses.
Pam will lead us off by explaining the history, benefits and principles of holistic nursing.
Then we will have a panel discussion that includes experienced holistic nurses.
There is a small fee for this presentation of $3.00 for members and $5.00 for non-members. A certificate of attendance will be provided that you may use toward 2 of your continuing nursing education credits.