TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 2011 MEETING 7:00PM Juilie Lappin is Eden Energy therapist and certified instructor; "I believe in the joy of living life fully, and in assisting others to unblock energy barriers to doing so.
Learn fundamental principals of energy. Learn an every day routine and techniques you can use daily to experience a more vibrant lifestyle.
Julie's methods are based on those of Donna Eden with whom she has trained extensively. Donna is a pioneer in the field of energy medicine. She is consulted within traditional and alternative health care settings.
The Michigan Holistic Nurses Association is excited to announce that Julie has agreed to the our presenter at our annual retreat where she is going to teach us how to balance all our hormones energetically!
Donna Eden's techniques are derived from many sources of information including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and Native American.
If you would like to preview some of Julie's work you may purchase any of Donna Eden's books.
"Energy Medicine For Women"
"The Promise of Energy Psychology"