Purpose: To Determine the Future of the Michigan Holistic Nurses Association !
Heitkamp Home
6557 Deer Ridge Dr
Clarkston, MI 48348
(This is just north of I-75 off M-15)
9 AM- 5PM (or till business finished)
Why a Retreat?
The MHNA has been a valuable and important part of many nurses and other health care professionals lives since 1985. Many changes have happened in the last 30 years with holistic health care becoming much more accepted then in the past.
The board of the MHNA is a "working board" that volunteers their time. Being a holistic organization we need to look at our resources, schedules, and tasks, as well as future trends in healing and technology in regard to promoting the goals of self care for our board members as they serve others in guiding this organization.
We invite everyone to join us for this retreat.
The questions we need answered are serious ones.
1. Is there still enough interest in our organization to continue to exist? We believe there is. If we get enough participation at this retreat that will solidify that view.
2. What changes do we need to make?
It has become apparent in the last few years that health care professionals are overburdened with too much activity and responsibility in their lives. The MHNA needs to take that into consideration as it looks to the future.
- What activities are the most important?
- How often should we meet? Should we consider regional meetings?
- Can we use technology to connect us together in new ways?
- What officer positions do we need?
- How many people are currently willing to help us spread our knowledge and vision of holistic health?
- Is there a way to work with the AHNA more closely in following our own goals?
3. The MHNA will change after this meeting. This is a 'given'. Whether we grow, stay just in southeast Michigan, or disband will be up to each individual that reads this and makes their own personal decision to participate by either joining us or letting us know you would like to help by posting your comment here or emailing us at michiganholisticnurse@gmail.com